Monday, June 12, 2006


Treadmill: (all at 2.0% incline)
4 minutes warm up at 6.5 mph,
alternating minutes of 6.0 and 7.2-8.0 (in 0.1 mph increments)
9 minutes of 6.5 mph

Elliptical: 20 minutes

Average HR: unknown, time to rinse the electrodes...

Yucky person at the gym left their gum on the elliptical magazine holder so my magazine got stucked. Ick! Good thing I realized it was gum and not a paper towel before I touched it. Such rudeness.

1 comment:

hemlock said...

That's disgusting about the gum. Yuck.

Someone spit their gum out onto the rubberized track at my gym. Only recently have my shoes stopped sticking to the floor...